Data Protection

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Privacy Policy for the E-Cube Benchmarking Facility

1. General
The protection of personal data is of high priority to us. All of our processes comply with the applicable provisions for data protection such as the Austrian Data-Protection Act (DSG) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to process the user administration for access to the E-Cube Benchmarking Facility and its use, we need to process your personal data. Due to our legal obligation, we inform you hereby in this declaration about the purpose, type of personal data and legal basis of the processing.

2. Controller
The controller of the data processing is the Graz Technical University, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria (hereinafter as “TU Graz”).

3. Category of data subjects and processed data
User: name, academic title, affiliation to organization, address, phone number, e-mail address, preferred username, signature. Credentials: username, group, password.

4. Purposes of the processing
User administration for the access to the E-Cube Benchmarking Facility and its use.

5. Legal basis
The TU Graz processes your data exclusively on bases of a contract (Agreement "Terms and Conditions for the Use of the E-Cube Benchmarking Facility") according to Art 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

6. Recipients
The processing of your data only takes place inside of the TU Graz. There is no transmission to any third party. There may be security vulnerabilities when transferring data online or electronically, e.g., when communicating by e-mail. As a result, such data cannot be protected completely against being accessed by third parties.

7. Storage period
We store your personal data as long as it is necessary to fulfil the contract (Agreement "Terms and Conditions for the Use of the E-Cube Benchmarking Facility"). Furthermore, we store your data in order to fulfil legal retention provisions or for the duration of limitation periods regarding potential legal claims.

8. Rights of the data subject
You have the right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and objection to the data we process. Moreover, this right shall not lead to any dissolution of contractual or statutory obligations. If you have any further questions concerning your data or your rights, please contact us via All further information regarding data protection is available at You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

9. Data Protection Officer
Data protection officer of the TU Graz is x-tention Informationstechnologie GmbH, Römerstraße 80A, 4600 Wels.