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EWSN'24 Sustainability Competition

(co-located with the EWSN conference – Abu Dhabi, UAE – December 10-13, 2024)

‎ The 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) will host a sustainability competition that aims to quantitatively benchmark the performance of intermittently-powered embedded systems against the same baseline. The competition will take place remotely between June and October 2024. The winners will be announced and awarded at EWSN in Abu Dhabi in December 2024.

Competition entries from both academia and industry are encouraged. Contestants will be tasked to develop a solution that maximizes the number of tasks executed while a battery-free system based on the MSP430FR5994 device is powered by an intermittent source of energy. The competition entry deadline is June 1, 2024 has been extended: teams may still register until June 30, 2024! More details can be found in the call for competitors.

The three top teams will receive generous cash awards sponsored by the Technology Innovation Institute:

  • First place: 6.000 EUR
  • Second place: 3.000 EUR
  • Third place: 1.500 EUR

The competition will use the E-Cube testbed facility hosted at TU Graz, which will be available during April and May 2024 for testing and for getting acquainted with its functionality (i.e., before the competition starts in June 2024).

A publication about E-Cube can be found in the GoodIT'24 proceedings published in the ACM digital library. If you refer to E-Cube in your scientific work, please cite it as follows:

  • M. Schuß and C.A. Boano. E-Cube: Towards a First Benchmarking Facility for Battery-Free Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT). Bremen, Germany. September 2024.

E-Cube is an effort led and supported by the LENS research group @ TU Graz.

LENS Group
Graz University of Technology